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Amber Portwood Determined To Fight For Son After Losing Custody

Amber Portwood Determined to Fight for Son After Losing Custody


An Indiana judge recently awarded primary physical and sole legal custody of 4-year-old James Andrew to his father, Andrew Glennon. This decision came as a devastating blow to Amber Portwood, the child's mother.

Portwood's Response

Despite the setback, Portwood remains unwavering in her determination to regain custody of her son. She has vowed to fight tooth and nail to overturn the judge's ruling.

"I am not giving up," Portwood said. "I love my son more than anything in the world, and I will not let this decision stand."

Portwood believes that the judge was misled by Glennon's false accusations and that she is the more fit parent to care for James Andrew. She is confident that she can prove her case and bring her son home.

Next Steps

Portwood is currently exploring all legal options and has hired an attorney to represent her. She is scheduled to appear in court again in the coming weeks, where she will present her case to the judge.
